Paragraph : Man and Trees

Paragraph : Man and Trees
Paragraph : Man and Trees

[Notes : A long association;  dependent on each other;  striking a balance in the eco-system;  massive schemes of deforestation telling on the economic and environmental health of many nations;  hence new programs of afforestation;  the Indian context. ]

Paragraph : Man and Trees

Man and trees have been in long association with each other since the dawn of civilization.  In the primitive age trees gave man shelter, food, medicines and tools.  Even in modern times trees provide man with timber for buildings and fumiture, firewood, food like fruits, honey, goods of economic importance like rubber, resin, gums, wax, and medicinal substances like turpentine, oil, quinine, mushroom, etc.  Man and trees are dependent on each other for their existence.  Man exhales carbon di-oxide which trees absorb for preparing their food.  On the other hand, trees produce oxygen which keeps man alive.  The equal amount of carbon dioxide and oxygen released by man and trees strikes a balance in the eco-system.  Trees also cause rainfall, provide soil-erosion and fertilize the soil.  

Of late, there have been massive schemes of deforestation afoot.  Trees are felled recklessly.  Forest areas are cleaned and converted into human habitations all over the world.  This senseless before-station has told on the economic and environmental health of many nations.  It has made rainfall scarce, which has turned many areas into deserts and which has resulted in the fall of agricultural productions.  It is responsible for the present irregularity of the cycle of seasons and other ecological imbalance.  

To save civilization from extinction new programs of afforetion have been taken by the governments.  In India felling trees is punishable by law.  The festival, Vano-mahotsava is observed every year in the rainy season. Thousands of saplings are planted on the occasion.  More and more areas are brought under forest cover and more and more forests are declared preserved forests.  All-out efforts are launched by the state governments to create public awareness about the vital importance of trees in human life and to teach people "Plant trees and save life." 

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