Paragraph : Computer and Me

Paragraph : Computer and Me
Paragraph : Computer and Me

[Notes: 1. Ours - a computer age, Computer anticipated in 1883 when Charless Babbage designed a machine called Analytical Engine - purpose being to make difficult calculation and store "memore." 2. Influence on society.  In Japan, USA, USSR replaced human brains - doing calculations in a trice - storing date for future use - men of science and business greatly benefited.  Computers used by government and semi-government offices - by banks - insurance companies - booking offices of Railways and Airlines - factories - doctors - students - teaching computers available in advanced countries.  3. I near future computers will do us everything - guarding house, keeping gate, receiving telephone calls, cooking food, cleaning house, etc.  Computers will open up new avenues to employment - not create unemployment. ] 

Paragraph : Computer and Me

Ours in an age of the computer, a miracle of science.  The computer was anticipated as early as 1883 when Charles Babbage designed a machine called "Analytical Engine" to make difficult calculation and store "memory".  Of late, it has become our friend, philosopher and guide.  

The computer has affected us in the most profound manner.  In the highly civilized countries like Japan, USA and Russia it has almost human brains.  Not only does it make thousands of calculations in a trice, but store data for future use.  It has greatly benefited from science and business who are called upon to o a lot of bit daily.  The government and semi-government and offices make much use of it for speedy transactions.  The banks use it to prepare bills, to post ledgers, etc and the insurance to make premium calculation.  The railways and airlines booking offices use it for seat-reservation and factories for testing the quality of their products.  Doctors take its help in diagnosing and testing blood, urine, stool, etc.  It helps students in their stages.  In advanced foreign countries "teaching" computers are available.  With their help the students can teach themselves in different subjects.  

Days are not far off when the computer will do us everything.  It will guard our houses at night, keep gate, receive telephone calls, cook our food, clean our rooms, etc.  In short, it will make our life comfortable and carefree.  It's feared that the large scale use of computers will throw many workers out of employment.  This fear is baseless.  They will rather open up new avenues to employment than create unemployment.  

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